Chatting in the Car


  1. Thanks, Becky! I'm getting better at remembering to film them. :)

  2. Adorable! I love how excited they are about all the forms of transportation :)

  3. Saw your video on's making the rounds on FB! Precious toddlers you have there! :)

  4. I don't see any other way to contact but I wanted to say that I also adopted my Daniel from China in 2002- he is 11 years old profoundly deaf and language delayed . Not sure if your tots are old enough for Skype yet but Daniel would love to "meet" other kids from China who share his language! You can contact me at!

  5. Where did you find the boys? We are a deaf family with two hearing children and we're considering adopting because I'm adopted myself.

  6. This is way too cute! I got involved in ASL about 2 years ago and love it! I have been teaching it to my niece and nephew and it is amazing how quick they pick up. Of course they use more of signs like "whatever, diarrhea, and cool”. My sister in law is not so pleased that I taught them “whatever” because they will say it and sign to her. :)

  7. Hi Sarah, I found your blog through your YouTube video. I write for the Houston Chronicle's MomHouston blog and would love to talk with you a bit about it. Can we get in touch?

  8. This is the cutest thing I've ever seen! Can I adopt those boys, too??? Seriously, though...I can already tell that you guys are doing a wonderful job with them! Please continue to share with us :-)


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