Winds of Change

The first third of 2013 was fairly uneventful.  Ken changed jobs, but otherwise, the kids all rolled along with school, TJ turned 10 and I worked part time as a Video Interpreter for ZVRS, and we actively sought out a church home.  Otherwise, there wasn't much to report.

(We did have stuff going on. You may not guess the way I sometimes blog, but I don't share everything on here; probably not even a 5% of what's going on in our lives.)

Ken has always been an entrepreneur at heart.  He has some pretty amazing product and business ideas.  (He had the idea for this service, which we now happen to use and highly recommend, way back in the mid-1990s.  Certainly before its time.)  He's innovative.  He's forward-thinking.  His co-workers both in the law enforcement community and in telecommunications industry have called him a "maverick."  One person meant it as an insult, but he always saw it as a compliment.  Some of his friends call him "Deaf MacGuyver," which fits him to a tee.  

At the beginning of the year, Ken took on a new job, looking forward to the challenges and projects.  But it just wasn't "fitting."  He was feeling burned-out and restless; so he approached me with a proposition: Let's switch roles for a while.

Since we've moved to Austin...well, let me be honest...since a few months leading up to our trip to China, I've felt "off" regarding homeschooling.  I mean, we check most of our boxes.  The kids keep up with their Three Rs.  They read a lot.  We read together a lot.  We did a few science crash-courses.  Did I mention that we read....a lot?  But we weren't getting the structure that I desired into our days.  For the past few years, I've asked Ken to take a week off work and "do school" with us to help me find some solutions to work out the kinks, but it's never panned out.

When Ken first told me about his desire to resign from his job, I was scared.  That fear lasted about 60 seconds, then turned into excitement.  He needs this.  My kids need their dad!  I still have vivid memories of the semester my dad stayed home while mom worked full time.  I remember watching The Price Is Right and eating grilled cheese before Dad walked me to afternoon kindergarten.  How precious that my kids will get those same "daddy" memories.

We make a good team.
Through thick and thin.
 I've been homeschooling for 8 years now.  For 5 of those years, I homeschooled exclusively, not working outside the home more than once every two years.  I've always loved my professional job.  As an independent contractor, I can make my own hours, both in weekly scheduling as well as total volume of work.  Because of that and because I'm truly passionate about interpreting, I don't get burned out. 

So, we saw this as a great opportunity for both of us.  Ken turned in his notice and is no longer a sales engineer, but a stay-at-home dad/homeschool instructor!  

Over the summer, we'll work together on a plan for the school year.  We still have a lot to prepare and to pray over, but we both feel a sense of relief and excitement.  For now, we're committing to six months, but just might keep going if we both love it.  I'll be working more hours at Z (the absolute best work environment, I'm telling you) plus picking up some contract work in the community.  **Shameless plug: Request me or contact me if you need interpreting services in Austin!**

While this change is scary and I certainly have a few fears that dance around in my head, I'm excited!  Prayer coupled with my trust in Ken have given me peace about this new adventure.  We cherish your prayers always.

Upcoming Blogs: Travis's Fifth Birthday, End of the School Year, Our Search for a Church (That rhymes)!


  1. With God, life is always an adventure! Praying for Him to continue to guide you both as you follow Him wholeheartedly!

  2. Good story and very good way of writing things that happen around you. I like.

  3. Woot! So excited for you all! We're beginning to seriously pray and think about what God has for our family after Ted retires from the Air Force...only 4 more years! The way time is flying, that will be here before we know it. I would LOVE for him to be able to be self-employed and spend more time with the kids. Life with God is an adventure, that's for sure!

  4. Hi. Do you homeschool your two younger children? If so, is there a separate curriculum for Deaf children or anything in the process that stands out somewhat different from when you decided to homeschool your older children? (not sure if I'm making any sense,lol, sorry).

    Since I was a kid I've always wanted to adopt, I'm not opposed to having my own if that's God's will, but I truly feel I'm meant to adopt, Although I'll miss the 9mo experience I feel that it's worth giving up that experience for an "orphan." I've been heavily involved in Deaf community for a few years, so this has spurred an even deeper desire not to just adopt any child but to adopt a Deaf one. My thing is I like to think way ahead of my self and sometime I forget to stand still and focus on what God has for me in the present,but am too impatient.

    Well anywho, my former mentor who I met nearly 2 years ago is a homeschool mom. And well I had the common misconceptions about homeschooling, like many other people who have been fooled to believe this stereotype based on a few families who choose to alienate themselves. Ironically I don't like stereotyping, but I honestly did not see all the possibilities/opportunities these children have until I met my former church mentor. At first I didn't tell her about my misconception but as I hung with her more and more and even spent time during "class time" and UpWard basketball games I realized we think a lot alike and I was shocked that homeschooling was exactly perfect fit for me, yet I had this whole other cray idea of it. So ever since then it has been my goal for my future family.

    Now, getting back to my previous question would there be anything I would need to consider before thinking of homeschooling a Deaf or HoH child? I haven't asked my former mentor 'cause I figured she may not be able to give me a good as response as you could since you are involved in the Deaf community and she isn't.
    I've voiced my desire for this with a hearing person who is dating a Deaf man and she's like "don't even tell him about it he is very strong about Deaf kids needing to be in boarding school." Well that is on my very very very last of my list even though I know he has a good testimony and is why he encourages that. But I've met enough Deaf people with different backgrounds who not all got the attention and education they needed. The hearing girlfriend's concerned was that the child would be segregated more that the Def already are if I homeschooled him. I disagreed and the only thing I could think off was "I'm sure there are many places that offer activities for Deaf children. If not I spend enough time at the center and summer camps are a good start. I'm involved enough that they wont forget who they are." Plus, I'm planning to move by December back to Texas (not central TX like I once did, but to DFW)And homeschooling seems to be big there, that's where my mentor is from and moved back but further down. I met her here in MS. God is awesome how we lived within hours from each other then I move to MS she does to and then I meet her. She goes back and I am soon, though not as close.
    So if life happens there for me I see great opportunities there. So is there any activities that are catered to homeschooler but are only exclusive for hearing if so is there any homeschooling activities catered to the Deaf. My desire is for my future children to be heavily involved in the Deaf Comm. but I also want them have a heavy amount with the hearing without disregarding who they are and their native language.

  5. How thrilling, and what a GREAT solution for your whole family! I bet it works out just GREAT for EVERYONE!


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