Walking Through Darkness With Your Teen - Part 3
A few things we've learned and what we would like others to understand: This happens to normal families. I don't know what I was expecting, but the families in our Intensive Outpatient Program were normal, caring, intact families. Through this process, I've become less judgmental of parents who have what appears to be a difficult teen. I'll add that these were all families willing to put in some serious time commitment and work to help their teens and themselves heal and improve. This DBT group was not court-mandated, but completely voluntary. We were honored to share life with these families during the 7-week program. Parents can't discipline or force their kids into mental health. We as parents have had to become very aware of behaviors that are simply typical teenage rebellion, which result in discipline, or behaviors that occur because our teen truly does not know how to respond appropriately or how to manage a particular emotion she's having....