One Of Many Miracles
For the past 3 days, I've been composing a blog about how Ken and I got in, out, back in, then back out of debt again during our marriage. Due to some issues with the new formatting I tried on this blog, I managed to lose one entire entry! One of these days, I'll work on it again, but for now, I'll share with you a miracle story (one of the many) from our adoption. It's a story we didn't share at the time because it wasn't the appropriate time and we wanted (and still want) to protect identities. Just weeks before we got travel approval, Ken came to me in the evening and said, "We can't take our bio kids with us to China. We just don't have the money." My heart sank into my stomach. We had been counting down for one year , planning and talking with our kids about traveling to China to meet their brothers. They had given up an amazing cruise vacation for us to adopt. My middle child didn't even like being away from us for one night...