ECE Bilingual Conference Part 3

In Part 2 of this series, I was excited to share some of what I learned about technology and using ASL eBooks. Well, if you like the good, old fashioned paper book, have no fear! Drs. Jean Andrews and Damara Paris from Lamar University , shared their team's research findings from the Alabama Emergent Literacy Study. They focused on the " Adapted Little Books ." Below is only a small portion of their presentation. There is so much information that goes beyond my knowledge, so I will direct this blog to parents of deaf emergent readers. As a homeschool mom, I'm very familiar with "little books." We personally used Sonlight's own Fun Tales with my three hearing kids. ( example ) You may be familiar with Bob Books . The Alabama study used these 20 Little Books . These "little books" are usually 6-7 pages, use high frequency words, have a close picture-word match, and use short phrases to tell a whole story. It ...