Hero Mom

Click here to vote!

My friend, Adrienne, the same friend who nominated me for the Distinguished Mom Award, has yet again nominated me for TheBlogFrog.com's "Hero Mom."  The grand prize is $2500 from Allstate, most of which she says she plans to give us to help pay off our remaining debt from the adoption, which I admit would be a blessing to us!

First of all, may I take this chance to publicly thank my sweet friend, Adrienne?  She has been there for me in so many ways, encouraging me in Christ and in my daily life as a mom, wife, and homeschool teacher.  Her friendship to me is priceless.  Oh, and if you want to learn to speed clean your house using non-toxic, green products AND want to learn how to teach your kids to do chores well, check out her website, CleaningWithKids.com.  She has an excellent DVD that teaches parents how to teach their kids to clean.  She and her husband spent a lot of extra time and money getting their DVD closed captioned, which means SO much to us, as you can imagine!

Here is a portion of the letter Adrienne sent out, asking for votes.  We'd love it if you blog readers would take a moment to vote!  Just click the link and click "vote."  That's all.  No sign-ups or registering.

This is from Adrienne:

Look for ADRIENNE FREAS….I wrote the story. So, you are voting for me. I am in second place right now. If I win I plan to give $2,000 to The Brown Family to cover some of the debt from their recent adoption and $500 to a family adopting a little blind girl from Russia. Her story can be read here!

You can vote one time EVERYDAY!!!

First place wins $2500
Second place wins $100 gift card. ( I am currently in 2nd place)

Thanks, blog friends!


  1. *Blush*… I love you too Sarah. You mean the world to me. BFF



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