Welcoming 2011

Here it is, less than 2 hours into 2011!  We’re only 4 years away from the “Back to the Future” future.  I might be wrong, but I don’t think flying cars and hovercraft will be standard by that time.  
2011 is a year of big changes for us in the Brown household, though.

Just yesterday, our house went on the market.  Within a few hours, we had our first showing.  A few hours later, we received our I-800 from USCIS, approving us for two boys.  Thanks to our notary neighbor and friend, we were able to get them in the FedEx box just before 6pm.  We even saw the truck come to gather the mail from the bin.  We should get those last certified documents mid-week, then Ken will hand-deliver them to Houston to be authenticated at the Chinese Embassy.
At that point, our dossier will be complete and ready to send to our agency, who will then send it to China!

In other adoption news, today, we put together a care package for Xu through Ladybugs and Love from Above.  Angela, who runs Ladybugs, will put together a package in-country and make sure it is delivered to Xu.  She will also make contact with the orphanage (China prefers the term “social welfare institute” or SWI), deliver a letter from us, get photos of Xu, and get some answers to our questions.  
When she told me I could ask up to 10 questions, I didn’t even know where to begin!  Why was Xu En chosen for his name?  What soothes him?  What upsets him?  What are his favorite foods?  Likes? Dislikes?  Does he have a favorite nanny or best friend? Will you take pictures of him with those important people?  Is he indeed deaf?  How does he communicate with the nannies and children?  Does he use any sign language?  Does he sleep peacefully?   Is he happy?  Is he warm?  Does he get plenty to eat?  

Of course, some of those questions I can’t really ask, but I did ask many of the first questions about his personality.  There are so many things I want to know about him!  I’m praying she can get answers and photos for us.  What an amazing service she provides adopting families. 

I brought in the new year reading Mary Beth Chapman’s book Choosing to SEE.  I would recommend it to ANY one.  Mother, father, adoptive parent, parent who has lost a child, child who has lost a sibling...anyone.  It’s a humorous and hope-filled story of heartache and how God works through it, (notice I didn’t say “how He takes it away”), of life after marrying your polar opposite, of coping with clinical depression, and of dealing with life when it doesn’t go exactly as your type-A personality planned it out.

In the middle of reading, Ken, the Brownies, Kara and I went to see the movie Tangled.  Very cute and a fun family activity to end our year.  Ken came home and went to sleep. I stayed up with all the kids so they could bring in 2011.  They are now all sound asleep and it’s time for me to join them.  I’ll be dreaming of my two dark-haired boys on the other side of the globe.

To borrow from the Bible, my mom’s recent facebook status, and the way Pastor Kevin Evans closed each church service:
"The Lord bless you and keep you. The Lord make His face to shine upon you and be gracious to you. The Lord turn His face toward you and give you peace." 

This prayer of blessing from Numbers is my prayer for you and your family in 2011.


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