March Update

Where did the entire month of March go?!  The best way to update is through photos:

Spent a beautiful day at Fort Worth Zoo
The boys with the elephant

The kids and I stop at Olive Garden

A day at Parr Park
Fishing at our place

We made two trips to Six Flags in one week!


TJ and Kenz entered the Pinewood Derby

Exploring around our ponds.
Already swimming every day!
I'm a VI! Love my new job!

Meeting Matt "The Hammer" at DeafNation

The month of March wore out the boys!


  1. Great pictures! I was at the Deaf Expo on Saturday with my teacher and some other classmates. I'm in the ITP program at MCC in Waco. Your family is beautiful and I love the videos of your boys; my teacher has used one of them in class as an example of classifier use, so your sons our teaching us lol!


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