Friends Matter

Today, I was reminded that friends, yes even if they are "just" facebook friends, matter.

I posted (as usual) about being excited to be picking up the boys soon.  Over 40 people responded, even if just by "liking" my status update.  As I read through the names of people who "liked" it, my heart swelled.  Some of these friends I haven't seen in 5 to 25 years!  But when I see their name come across my wall, memories of them pop into my head and cause me to be so thankful for the people God has placed in my life, whether years ago, for a short time, or even just through cyberspace.

SO, I decided to go through the list of people who either commented or "liked" my update today and share with you how I know them.  I started to post what memories pop into my head with each person, but there are TOO many!

  • Randi: VCC, Cube homeschool friend and blogger/crafter extraordinaire! 
  • Marni: my most bubbly, happy Dickinson neighbor!
  • Laura: my bestest friend and sister
  • Lava: my new friend, Deaf community and adoptive family of beautiful Deaf babies from China!
  • Rebecca: new FAM friend
  • Donna: my momma I love always
  • Elizabeth: my idol in so many ways! Beautiful church friend from VCC, Village, etc. etc.
  • Liz: my Arkansas BFF. No mater how long we go without visiting or how far apart we live. <3
  • Ken: my favorite niece's daddy :)
  • Barbara: my most special Great Aunt (love you!)
  • Amy: church friend, homeschool friend, friend I gotta hang out with sometime!
  • Margie: the most amazing midwife who delivered two of my three baby Brownies
  • Carrie: church friend, amazing supporter and ministry leader, all-around amazing chicka!
  • Dainyell: church vcc, homeschooling and FPU friend, living FAR now!
  • Sheryl: lifelong family friend, since 2 generations back
  • Ivy: jh/hs friend I haven't seen since graduation
  • BrandiK jh/hs friend I haven't seen since graduation 
  • Chad: close family friend and church friend from childhood (Hi, Chad!)
  • Roxanne: hs friend, my sister's bff and my second big sister during hs
  • Massiott: dear friend and sister in Christ in Deaf community here DFW
  • Wayne: one of my most fun fellow terps in Vegas
  • Kristin: new FAM friend from church
  • Karen: childhood church friend
  • CJ: lovely fellow interpreter from Vegas
  • Alan: friend from Deaf community here in DFW
  • Malinda: terp and friend from OKC (way back!)
  • Jennie: church friend VCC worship team
  • Tamara: friend from Deaf/Christian communities here in DFW
  • Breann: friend from church VCC and FPU class!
  • Sandra: new dear friend from church/Deaf community
  • Marti: one of my fabulous peeps from CRCC church in Vegas
  • Kimberly: fab friend from VCC and fellow adopt-two-at-a-timer (mentor)
  • Pamela: elementary school friend I haven't seen in close to 30 years!!
  • Laura Lee: friend (and boss!) and church friend and I babysat her precious kiddos from Van Buren
  • Helen: sweet gal from CRCC and MOPS in Vegas
  • Trina: my awesome Vegas neighbor!
  • Laura: church friend from Arkansas, now living a few miles north of me in Texas
  • Roxanne: my lovely friend from CRCC/Deaf ya!
  • Kristi: new FAM friend from church
  • Allison: friend from Van Buren JH and HS days!
  • Brenda: fellow scout mom here in Texas. We discovered we also had common CRCC Vegas roots!! Who knew?!
  • Jenine: Ken's old girlfriend and now MY friend and sister in Christ/Deaf community
  • Lisa: CRCC (and mom and dad's old church) friend/interpreter :)
  • Leslie: VCC and Cube homechool and scouting mom/friend
  • Amy: VCC and Cube homeschool friend 
  • Sonja: new cyber friend and fellow SODA (wife hearing/husband deaf) AND adoptive family
  • Alene: long-time friend from Oklahoma, church, OSU, Deaf community
  • Jana: church/homeschool Texas friend. (miss seeing you every week at co-op)

To each one of you, thank you! For thinking of us, praying for us, or even just "liking" what we are doing and being happy for us.  I feel it!  And it means a lot.


  1. Miss seeing you too! Can't wait to 'follow' ur trip through china as ur bring your precious boys home :))

  2. Love you so much, sweet friend. You are an amazing woman, wife, friend, and mom!! I agree, no matter how long we go w/o talking we can puck right back up and it feels like yesterday, when we were driving in your little red crx or crv or whatever.... Laughing and singing with the windows down. Bless you fir taking these boys. God will bless you. You are being His hands by loving and caring for them. And truly you will be blessed when the Son of Man comes and says to you when I was sick, naked, hungry, and unloved YOU cared for me, clothed me, fed me and loved me. Enter into your rest!!!


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