Downsizing Adventures 3: Character Revealed

Ken recently mentioned that we should have moved to a place like this when we first came to Texas 4 years ago, but we have no regrets.  

First of all, if we had moved here to begin with, we wouldn't have some of our dearest friends from Dickinson Drive and may not have gone to Valley Creek Church and met so many people we love there.

The dark side of "no regrets" is the fact that I know we wouldn't have been satisfied living here 4 years ago.  Ken and I have been notorious for thinking "things will be better when _____ happens."  When we left Las Vegas, we were thrilled to have done so well in the real estate market and were taken in by how big of a house we could get for "cheap" in Texas.  We were enamored with the idea of a BIG house with a BIG yard and BIG pool as if that would bring us joy.  I hate to admit it, but if we had moved here first, we would have been discontent, pining away until we could have our "dream home."  Now, having lived in what we thought was our dream home, we know what we should have known all along since we know Christ!  

Being here two weeks has revealed in me my own ego and attitude.  I find myself wanting to explain to others that we did live in a house...a big house...and that this is our first time in an apartment.  Or I'll want to make sure people know that where we live isn't like a regular apartment.  That need to explain exposes ugly parts of my character.  Pride.  Judgement. Protecting my "image". Yuck.  I thank God for His willingness to chisel away on my heart and make my character a little more like His.  My prayer is that He will continue to reveal and remove the ugliness in my heart, even if it's painful.

Philippians 3 - The Message
Yes, all the things I once thought were so important are gone from my life. Compared to the high privilege of knowing Christ Jesus as my Master, firsthand, everything I once thought I had going for me is insignificant—dog dung. I've dumped it all in the trash so that I could embrace Christ and be embraced by him. I didn't want some petty, inferior brand of righteousness that comes from keeping a list of rules when I could get the robust kind that comes from trusting Christ—God's righteousness.


  1. I think we all can relate to that ... thinking we should explain away our circumstances when they don't meet with the world's expectations. Good for you for following God's leading and for embracing this change in your life. I know it will be filled with rich blessings!

  2. I think your thoughts are so true of all of us. It is difficult, at first to "take up our cross for Christ." But, oh the blessings that come later.

  3. Blessings! Yes! And I just realized I do the same thing explaining why are adopting two. I always qualify it by saying that we didn't start out adopting two and that we are sure people think we're crazy. I need to shut up and let God work and show my true excitement about the whole thing without worrying about ME. :)

  4. Sarah, I understand completely. We tend to want to explain why we are where we are at certain times in our lives. I did that too often when we lived in 'Vegas. I'll admit, because of how people commented about the area in which we lived, I was embarrassed that we were on the 'wrong' side of town. I wasted precious time, that could have been used much more wisely, explaining why we lived where we did.
    Thankful I am that God loves me enough to show me my weaknesses and to guide me away from them. Such love is overwhelming.
    I am thankful, too, that you and Laura have been here to encourage me along my walk. You help me more than you will ever know just by being who you are - mainly in your being so open about your struggles. You have helped me to do the same. God bless you.

  5. I can definitely relate! Isn't it funny how the "not as nice things" can be the biggest blessings in the end?

    Lisa Jungheim
    (I always type out my whole name because I only know how to respond anonymously! Ha!)

  6. I ran across your blog from a video my cousin posted on facebook (random, I know) but I wanted to let you know I appreciated your honesty in what it means to raise kids, and make tough choices for the glory of God. Funny thing is my husband and I are considering downsizing to a condo, in order to raise a family as well as "live in community" in downtown Phoenix. We are trying to trim our budget so that we can free up time for more ministry and money to go to missions, ect. Your post really encouraged me! Thanks.


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