Travel Conference Call
We just had our travel conference call. Ken and I are so very impressed with our agency, CCAI . They have been amazing every step of the way and today, hearing from the founder/director himself, Josh, was a great comfort. He let us know that he and his wife Lily have prayed for us and our kids by name from the beginning. I'll share some of the wisdom Josh shared with us and that we will take with us on our journey: - Be positive! that won't be too hard for me - Be extroverted, at least for these few weeks in China. naturally - When you arrive at the airport and meet your guide, give them your brain! Your guide will be your social worker, guide, interpreter, advocate and best friend. Hallelujah! I was hoping I wouldn't need it. - When the going gets tough (you're sick of the food, hot, ready to be home) just repeat, "I'm going to survive my 3 weeks in China!" I am going to survive my 3 weeks in China! - CCAI's goal is for families to have a smoot...