And The Fat Lady Sings!

Last photo of our Dickinson house. Many great memories here.

As of 1:45 this afternoon, we are no longer homeowners!  It's a true feeling of relief.  3 1/2 months on the market doesn't sound bad in today's economy, but to us, it was a true test of our faith and our character.

Yesterday was a whirlwind with a few last-minute glitches that added just enough stress to the closing that I had to keep a constant prayer on my heart.  I truly believe that's why the glitches were there.

Ken was out of state for work, so the kids and I showed up at the closing at our appointed time.  45 minutes later, I was able to go in and sign the papers.  Another 45 minutes later, I walked out feeling better, but still not confident.  As tempting as it might could have been to celebrate after our closing yesterday, we just couldn't until the proceeds from the sale of our home funded into our account today.

After another glitch or two today, it did indeed fund and we have officially sold the house!
Back in January, we had envisioned the sale of our house fully funding the adoption.  Now, in May, we are just happy to have sold the house.  We didn't even make half of what we thought we would, but through that, God is glorified.  If we had quickly sold the house for every penny we wanted, we would have never been in such desperate need.  And if we had not had such a great need, we wouldn't have seen God use others to bless us and help us out of the hard places.   (If you haven't read my last post, please do!! It's a great story!)  From friends giving generously of their own finances to a blessed home-cooked dinner at just the right time, we have had the Body of Christ show up for us over and over again.

So very thankful.


  1. Can't say this enough. God is good and faithful. I praise Him and thank Him for His provision and His constant blessings.

  2. Good to catch up on your blog! I am singing His praises along with you. So glad to hear the end of this particular story...can't wait to hear the "end" (for now) of your boys' story!

  3. Very happy to hear that the house has finally sold and the funds are yours to use for the adoption!! God is good!

  4. Thanks for being excited with me!

  5. That's so true ~ He uses those times that we are so desperate to draw us closer to Him... Praise God for His perfect timing!


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