Out of Our Hands

"Out of our hands" seems to be the running theme in our lives in 2011.

The sale of our house? Out of our hands.
The speed at which any government agency decides to process our paperwork? Out of our hands.
Getting updates on our boys? Out of our hands.

This week, even more minor issues have popped up that are (you guessed it) out of our hands.

All throughout the day today, I was either emailing or on the phone with someone checking on something:
First, the CIS office, checking the status of our case.  I was thrilled to hear back from our officer (he rocks, by the way) that our case had arrived at NVC (National Visa Center) just this morning!  As a side note, our case files weighed in at 26 pounds!  That's 13 pounds per kid.  Seriously, US government?  Does it require 13 pounds of paperwork?  Are the boys tucked in there somewhere?

Second, I called the NVC to see if they did, indeed have our case.  They do, but now need 24-48 hours to process it before they "cable" it to China.  Up until now, we at least had control over how quickly we filled out and turned around documents. And I could always call our CIS officer to check on things. From this point on, the paperwork is 100% out of our hands.

Then I spent some time going back and forth between our home warranty company and their AC contractor to figure out why they aren't fixing the AC at our Dickinson house.  Evidently, there are some personal issues they have between each other and because of that, we are suffering, having now waited since April 20th for air.  Since we must go through the warranty company (or else pay for an AC unit out of pocket...no thank you), when it is fixed is out of our hands.

Finally we got word that the man who is supposed to assess the house this week has had some kind of surgery and can't get over there as scheduled.  This may delay the closing up to a week.  Since the assessor must be a VA-approved assessor, we, the buyers, nor either real estate agency has any control over it.  So it's out of our hands.

Many are the plans in a person’s heart, but it is the LORD’s purpose that prevails. --Proverbs 19:21

I've heard people who aren't Christians say that Christians use God as a "crutch".  Yes!!  Thank you, Lord, for letting me lean on You, because there is nothing I can do of my own power to make things work the way I want them.  In my weakness, You are strong.  When I'm powerless, Your power is glorified.

"My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness."
Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me. That is why, for Christ’s sake, I delight in weaknesses, in insults, in hardships, in persecutions, in difficulties. For when I am weak, then I am strong. --2 Corinthians 12:9-10

When we land in the US with all 5 of our children, paperwork completed, the boys "official" Brownies, it will not be because we sold our house or we filled in all the right blanks on the paperwork, but by the plan and purpose and grace of God.

God is not just my crutch.  He's my Father, completely carrying me when I don't have the power to stand.  How can I help but praise Him?


  1. Amen. All you can do and want to do is praise Him!

  2. Our minds certainly are in the same place! I love that verse these days :-)



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