Worthy of Trust

Today was full of more surprises and more waiting, but I couldn't be anxious about it.  As tiring as some of the waiting is, God has proven too faithful for me to worry.  Worrying and becoming upset would be an insult to His work in our lives so far.

Yesterday, due to so many circumstances I can't list them all here, we were down to our last dime.  Literally.  We hadn't told anyone except our realtor, who is also a Christian sister and has become a dear friend.  We were out of most of our groceries and were completely counting on our house to close so we could breathe.  Yesterday afternoon, a friend called and asked us to stop by their house on the way home.  They blessed us with a generous check to help with the adoption.  I was (and still am) blown away.  God put on their heart two months ago the desire to help us out, but they didn't feel it was the right time until yesterday.  They had no idea how desperate our need was, but God did.  They listened to God's tug on their hearts and blessed us more than they can possibly know.  God also knew something we didn't until today: While we were supposed to close on the house this afternoon, the closing has been  pushed back to Monday.  God knew our need and filled it just in time.  Not a week early.  Not a two days early.  But just in time.

It helps tremendously for me to keep this prayer request page, because I can go back and look at how God has answered our pleas.  Today, I went back to read the blog I had posted about worry. I was humbled and am amazed by what I found.

Here are some of the questions I posted back in late January.  While I am not prophetic, I CAN look back with hindsight and see how God answers us every. single. time.
  1. When will we sell this house?  You will sell it in April and close in May.
  2. Will we sell it in time to fund the adoption?  Yes!
  3. If not, how will You work this out?  Along with selling the house, God will allow you a grant and generous support from friends/family that will help with adoption costs. 
  4. Is it truly Your will that we sell this house? Sure appears that way.
  5. What’s up with the apartment we have planned to move in to? It’s disappeared off the face of the internet?? Seems under new management. Can this be good for us? Bad for us? No difference to us?  Not only is this not a problem, but the new management is better! They are updating the pool and pool furniture, doing major landscaping upgrades, and improving the entire property. The kids are making great friends and keeping connected with their old friends.
  6. Will our dossier be ready to send to China after Chinese New Year (CNY) on Feb 3rd?  Yes. In plenty of time. 
  7. Do the boys have any clue we are coming for them? Still don't know this one, but are asking God to begin to prepare the boys' hearts to receive us.
So if you wonder how I can "stay so calm" during all of the drama in our lives right now, just read this post and read our prayer page and you'll know how.

“Which of you, if your son asks for bread, will give him a stone? Or if he asks for a fish, will give him a snake? If you, then, though you are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give good gifts to those who ask him!" Matthew 7:10-11

We have seen this evidenced over and over and over again in our lives in the big things and the little things.  So we will keep waiting, wondering and not worrying because God is worthy of our trust and our faith.


  1. It is so cool that when we turn it over to the One who is in charge, only then are we open to clearly seeing God's work in our lives and really feeling his peace and grace.

    Praise God for His provision for your family.

  2. Wow!! It's amazing to see God work in amazing ways!!

  3. God is always faithful. To Him be the glory!


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