Travis is Four!

Travis. I'll never forget the first time I saw Travis' little face.  Then, he was only known to me as Xu (I thought it was pronounced "zoo," but it's actually "shoe."  These were the photos we saw in his file:

When we saw his photo and read his file, we knew he was supposed to be our son.  I had read of other adopting families who felt that special "knowing," but didn't understand it until we saw our boys' pictures.  I am thankful to God for His direction.  Travis adds a special joy to our family that I find difficult to put into words.

A few things about Travis:
He's smart! There's no better way to say it.  He observes every detail about life, soaks it in, and tries to understand it.  He is hyper-observant, just like his dad, taking in every visual detail possible.  Travis is loving and friendly.  He gives visitors a big smile and often hugs or even kisses to match.

Travis is almost always easy-going and happy, but if something rubs him the wrong way, watch out!  He can throw a fit like any good kid his age.  He likes things a certain way and in a certain order.  He has his favorite foods (noodles!) and favorite clothes (Thomas the Train or airplanes) and favorite toys.  Travis enjoys swimming, riding his Strider bike, playing GeoTrax and airplanes, and hanging out with all 4 of his siblings.

Travis came to us with no language.  It's been a treat to witness him grow and blossom within his family and with his natural language.  At times, it seems unbelievable to see some of the things he signs.  He also enjoys correcting others if they sign incorrectly.

Travis has this adorable fake smile he does for pictures.  You can see some in the photo album of his birthday.  He's also kind of doing it in the top left photo above.  He REAL smile is shown in the two photos on the right.  I love them both!  His face just makes my heart leap!

Today's birthday party was a complete blessing.  The weather was perfect, the park was beautiful and covered with shade trees.  Travis loved all of his gifts and adored the friends who came to help us celebrate.

Happy birthday, Travis!  Your daddy and I love to see you grow!  We are SO proud to call you our son!

For you formed my inward parts;
    you knitted me together in my mother's womb.
14 I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made.
Wonderful are your works;
    my soul knows it very well.
15 My frame was not hidden from you,
when I was being made in secret,
    intricately woven in the depths of the earth.
16 Your eyes saw my unformed substance;
in your book were written, every one of them,
    the days that were formed for me,
    when as yet there was none of them.


  1. Happy Birthday to Travis!

    I've been following you guys for awhile and LOVE any new posts that come through!

    Thanks for sharing your lives!

  2. Happy Birthday Travis. Thanks for letting us be apart of your family's life.

  3. It's so fun to watch him blossom! Love the smiles

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