Fall Flew By - Tian's Update

Enjoying Sbux free whipped cream.
Tian loves Mater from Cars, Dora (yes....Dora...especially one particular episode with a blue train named Azul), trains, trains and more trains.  His favorite food isn't really food at all, but milk.  He'd live on milk alone if we let him.  Good thing we've switched to organic.

Tian's language continues to grow by leaps and bounds.  His last audiogram at TSD showed that he has close to normal hearing in most settings.  He's completely bilingual, which is fun to watch.  He naturally code-switches between ASL and spoken English, depending on who he is communicating with and what he is attempting to say.  When he uses only his voice, I have to ask him to clarify with ASL.  His speech can be very clear, but it also often tough to decipher.

Tian often signs and talks at the same time.  When he does, he will either talk in ASL or sign in English word order.  For example, he may sign and quietly voice, "Park, play, want go?"  Other times, such as tonight, he showed his dad a picture of Lightning and other race cars and signed, "CARS WAIT FOR RACE."

Tian is getting better at writing his name. Other than his name, he isn't recognizing words or written names just yet.  He loves loves loves books!  He wants us to read to him all the time.  He will now retell his favorite books.  His current favorites are The Very Hungry Caterpillar,  The Grouchy Ladybug and just about any Cars book.

I will work on getting some videos posted.  I've been without my macbook for nearly a year now, so that makes posting videos difficult.  I have to upload, edit, and caption them.  Without my macbook, it's been tough to find the time to sit and get the videos done, but I DO have them!  In the meantime, enjoy these photos and don't forget our Instagram page.

Enjoying the lights at the Chinese Lantern Fest in Dallas.
"Hugging" his gift card.


  1. Hey there! Found y'all on YouTube while searching for some ASL stuff. What a blessing to read about your family, and see the boys signing! Great to see someone advocating for ASL and signing with their kids...so awesome!

    I'm an ASL interpreter and homeschool mom to our 6 year old little boy, who we adopted 2 1/2 years ago.

    Blessings on your journey. :-)


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