House for Sale & Adoption Fundraiser

Open House! 
Sunday, January 30, 2pm to 4pm

2900 sq. ft. 5 bedroom, 3 1/2 bath, study, family, living, granite island kitchen, eat-in, and dining. Wood and tile throughout 1st floor. 
2 back yards: One large saltwater diving pool with waterfall spa, large decorative concrete patio.  Gorgeous!  Second gated yard for play area, garden, or more outdoor living.
See website for lots of photos and details.

Why Adoption Fundraiser?

We will not put limits on God and how He will choose to further bless the adoption process by providing the funding we need to go get the boys, but at this time, Ken and I know selling the house is something God is asking us to do.  The sale of the house will provide what we need to travel, pay our remaining fees, and bring the boys home! 
Whoever buys this home will be (whether they intend it or not) supporting the adoption!  Some families have auctions or sell tee shirts or flip flops.  We are selling our house! 
Please pass on the word about our home and feel free to share our adoption story with others.


  1. wow sarah! i didn't know you were doing this. talk about FAITH. :) what a testimony of your determination to bring home the rest of your flock! do you know that while i was waiting...and persons would say at least you have kids at home...i would say yes, that is true, but ONE IS MISSING. there is one of my sheep that is not at home safe with me, and like the shepherd in the story, i simply couldn't rest completely easy until i had sought out THE ONE. :)


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